Youngers audience is aimed at the urban youth and an average age of 16 . The show appeals to the teenagers as it is a teenage drama that is portrays problems relating to teenagers in it. Also it could appeal to all types of teenagers as the teenagers will want to know how it feels to be in a situation like the teenagers in this- on the street, making money etc.
Some Girls The demographic for some girls is teenager’s most likely girls, as are able to relate to the teenage protagonists in the show, and are able to identify similar problems they have in real life, and make it more realistic. Also some Males could relate to the boys in this. The girls are always jealous of the one boy- that's how it in some girls. The age range is from 16-40. This is because there are teachers in this programme and teachers can relate to the teachers in some girls.
The demographic for Kidulthood is teenagers and adults. Both male and females. Firstly the teenagers could relate to the teens in this. Also teenagers will watch this as they will want to know how it feels in there situation- which is drugs and violence. The teenagers will want to know how the characters get into these situations and what do they do to get out these situations. Adults because these teenagers have parents and they can relate to the parents- usually no dad- only a mum, as in Kidulthood they all have 1 mother parent.
The 'inbertweeners' uses different aspects to appeal to its target audience. Its target audience is young people aged 15-25. This can be seen from its use of young characters. The genre is comedy- in a sense this could appeal to more people, the people who enjoy comedy dramas. The Characters in this are very famous- this can get the fans of the characters to watch the show.
Bad Education
The channel's target audience includes those in the 16–34 year old age group, and has the purpose of providing innovative content to younger audiences. This is similar to some girls, as the teenagers could relate to the students in the show, and the teachers can relate to the teachers in bad education. similar to Inbertweeners this has very popular actors. This can attract consumers of Gavin and Stacy as Gavin Stars as the head teacher. Also A league of their own fans, as Jack Whitehall stars as the main teacher and the main character.
flashback:The narrative is about a young black male growing up in an estate where there is high knife and gun crime. The young male growing up gets involved with the wrong people selling class A drugs out to people willing to buy. As the young male becomes older and wiser he wants out in selling the drugs as he has a girlfriend who's pregnant. Because of this she wants him to find a proper job to support there unborn daughter. The black male character visits the people who he sells the drugs for because he wants out, but he learns that its not that easy so they make him deliver one last package to client in an estate if he wants.. Thinking about his family and wanting out he decided to do the job only on one condition that they would keep to there word. On his way to deliver the package he thinks about his girlfriend and his baby. He arrives at the estate with kids playing football on the street he walks up the stairs to be suddenly jumped by a Masked Character. The Masked Character takes the package and leaves him for dead. In his last moment he decides to pick his phone and call his girlfriend and tell her he loves her and his unborn baby. Tears run down his face. His girlfriend starts to cry, confused and in panic she asks him where he is. Unexpectedly the Masked Character returns to finish him off. The Masked Character stamps on his face and the screen blacks out. Start:The young Black male is laying on the floor dialing his girlfriends number. Picking up he expressing how much he loves her and his unborn baby with tears running down his face. His girlfriend starts to cry, confused and in panic she asks him where he is. Unexpectedly the Masked Character returns to finish him off. The Masked Character stamps on his face and the screen blacks out. The Enigma code in the storyline is the identity of the masked character who jumped the young black male. Another Enigma Code is why he got jumped. The Protagonist is the young black male (His Flashback of the chain of events leading up to the present time).
Mr Bush's Comments: 1. Decide on scene(s) to Show in the extract. 2. Flashback of what? to what Scene? 3. Title? 4. Scheduling details?
E4 is a British digital television channel lunched in 2001 . The "E" stands for entertainment and the market segment that they aim for are between the ages of 15-35 years old. E4 have British based shows such as hollyoaks and made in Chelsea but also have US based shows like the Cleveland show and the big bang theory. Some U.S. imported shows, ugly betty and desperate housewives, are shown on E4 a week before it is broadcasted on channel 4. To date so far E4 most successful show was on 11 October 2010 when an episode of inbertweeners pulled over 3.7 million viewers.the channel is mainly aimed at the popular 15–35 age group. They mostly broadcast comedy and reality television shows aimed at the younger audience due to its modern sense of humour used. If a programme becomes a really big hit on e4 they consider broadcasting the shows on a sister company Channel 4. E4 have broadcasted many successful programmes that are aimed at teenagers over the years- the most successful was inbertweeners this lead to 3 successful series and then a movie.
E4 aim towards 16-36 year olds the main target audience will be aspirers as they seek status and aspirers as usually younger people- teenagers. All the advertising attracts teenagers as they always use funky colours and the advertising is more attractive than the content. E4 target audience social class will be C1, D and E as this wont really appeal to people who work in higher management and these people wont really be attracted to the content that they put to show. The reason why E is the target audience because in E comes students and E4's main target audience are students.
BBC three
BBC 3 is a television channel from the BBC broadcasting channel. The channel's target audience includes those in the 16–34 year old age group, and has the purpose of providing which include: Some girls and bad education recent successful Programmes targeted at the teenage audience. content to younger audiences, focusing on new talent and new technologies. The channel is on-air from 19:00 to around 05:00 each night, in order to share terrestrial television bandwidth with CBBC. The reason they have not broadcasted between the hours 05:00-19:00 is because there main targeted audience will be occupied either at work or studying there programmes would be a waste of production if aired between those times because majority of the people wouldn’t be watching.During the 2012 Summer Olympics, BBC Three increased its broadcasting hours to 24 hours to provide extra coverage of Olympic events. On average, nine million people watch BBC Three every week, and it has a 2.6% share of the 1534-year-old audience and 1.4% of the whole population.
Is very difficult to class the target audience for Bbc three as they supply all types of programmes. A and B could watch BBC three when they offer sports- usually on big occasions like the world cup and the Olympics in this situations these 2 classes would watch bbc three. The primary class are C1, C2, D and E as the primary shows would appeal two plumbers and junior managers. Also the these social classes shift is usually 9-5 and the shows on Bbc three start after 6 o'clock which gives us a massive hint that the main target audience fit into these classes.
in the start we can tell that Will is an Geek/nerd in school as he is wearing an blazer- in inbertweeners the students don't wear blazers. So by this we understand that will is someone who wont be popular with the students. The blazer also shows that Will is unique and throughout the episodes we do learn that Will is an unique student. We also see Will using a briefcase, this also tells the audience that he is very unique as other students don't use a briefcase. Will's expressions show that he is very nervous and this tells the audience that this person is new and he is just starting school. With Will's body language we can tell that he is very scared as the way he is walking is not normal and we can tell that he is very nervous.At the start of the sequence the main character was established with a range of shots. First shot used to establish the main character was a tracking shot - this was the establishing shot. Also the shots where very quick at the start of the sequence this is so that we get know the character and how the character is- geek/nerd. During the scene we see match on match action. We see a conversation with Will and the teacher. The 180 degree rule was used when Will and the teacher where having a conversation and shot reverse shot was used. In the middle of the sequence we see a birds eye view shot and this shows that it will be hard to make friends as we can see groups of people and we can see him walking though the middle.They were a great use of editing with the quick shots to present the main character- with the quick shots what done clever is the way we can see the school bully. With the sound we know that it is a school because we can hear people speaking and it makes a sound and we hear a bell at the start- so we know its a school. We can relate the characters to the Perkins theory- stereotypes which are partly true. The one who's short and has a briefcase is the clever one. Jay the blonde male is the one you cant trust. Tall one is the one you cant trust. In some ways this is how these type of people are presented in the media.
Some girls
The title of the program is called ‘Some Girls’, from this I
can connote that the show is most likely female orientated and based on a group
of them. There age is likely to be teenagers. The first ideas of this show may
come up as the stereotypical life of girls and the troubles the go through in
high school, like make-up, boys and puberty.The establishing shot of Some girls is text. We know what the programme is called and with the tittle we know what it is about- About girls. The we see the 4 main characters and with the props we know that the girls are very physical and the girls are a part of a team. Secondly with the costume we can tell that the lady wearing different clothes is the teacher and the girls are wearing identical clothes. The lighting is just normal daylight as its a school. In corridors there is light bulbs when its dark- but when its light out side there is no extra light. We learn that the blonde girl is the stupid one and the one who does silly things. The white one with brown hair is the strong one who is in control of most situations. The different clothes from the teacher shows she is in control. The setting is a football pitch which shows that the girls are quite unusual. Some girls comes on after the watershed timings as it airs at 10 o'clock- so this programme is aloud to contain strong words, as after 9 o'clock it could contain some strong scenes and strong language. Many teenagers watch some girls as teenagers can relate to these characters- the female audience can relate to the 4 girls and Males relate to the boyfriends. Also teachers can also relate to the teachers in some girls as the narrative is very realistic. The real life situation in this comedy is when the girls get boyfriends- and the rest of the girls get slightly jealous, This is a dominant reading of teenage girls and something that BBC have done really well. The soundtrack is parallel as it goes with the genre of the narrative,teenage type of music which teenagers enjoy-Music that adults won't like. In this series match on match action is done throughout the episodes and develops throughout the episodes. In the majority of the episodes we see them sitting in a 180 degree line whilst having a conversation. Then we see shot reverse shot whilst the girls are having a conversation throughout the series. Their are many theories that we could put into this series. Firstly the Perkins theory comes into some girls which means that some stereotypes are true. White female with blonde hair is the stupid one- who gets into bad situations with boyfriends. The Indian female is the clever and the weird one who stands out. Secondly the Mulvey theory . People might watch the admire the girls- male gaze.
Bad Education
The establishing shot is The teacher coming out of his dad's car, we can straight away tell that this teachers is very is not responsible. Then we see him puking into the school sink- again we learn that he is not responsible. The props we see we know that he is a teacher and works in the school. We see him holding a bag and we see him holding test papers.The editing is quite clever as they are quick shots and in every shot we see him doing something irresponsible. With the sound we can tell its in a school environment as we can hear high amounts of chatter between students and teachers. The camera work is quite clever as we can see the teachers reactions and we can see what he is doing- the camera is zoomed into his face, still we can see him doing something. This is very similar to Some girls as it comes on after the 9 o'clock watershed- comes on a 10 o'clock, teenagers are usually up at this time and have nothing to do, so they will put on some TV and watch some comedy. The target audience are teenagers and teachers from 15- 35. Teenagers can relate to the students and the teachers can relate to the teachers in bad education. But there is a twist to this as the teachers of the class is very much like a student which is very interesting- we don't really see things like relationships with students is like friends. This is very clever from BBC as its very unique- this could be the shows USP. he lighting is just normal daylight as its a school. In corridors there is light bulbs when its dark- but when its light out side there is no extra light. With bad education we can apply the mulvey theory as the characters are admired. Jack Whitehall can come under the female gaze and the male gaze. Females admire jack Whitehall and Matthew Horne. Homosexual men admire Jack Whitehall, as Jack Whitehall acts slightly weird in the media- in the spotlight. Also in the class there is a homosexual student.
The establishing shot is the man putting in a microphone stand and kissing a Jesus Christ chain. This can connote that he is the protagonist and is a relaxed man. Then we see a extreme close up of him pulling his headphones out and this shows that he is about to sing. Then its a massive twist when he's mum walks in the room and cuts everything this shows that these people are not really powerful and are just normal teenagers Dietetic music is played as the protagonist starts to sing. the protagonist is cut off by his friends mother. the shot of his mother is a low angle shot which puts her in power, and present her in charge and a higher authority.In the opening sequence there is a variety of mise en scene used through out. One of the essential Mise en scene used is Costumes because costume the characters wear enables the audience to be identify who the characters are.The characters in the opening scene are wearing hoodies, track suit and trainers which is normally associated with young adults hiding something or about to commit a crime.The lighting used in this clip is mainly is natural light as the scene appears at day time. This is different to what we associate with a teenage based movie containing hoodies because we would expect it to be at night and them acting suspension or committing a crime.
Kidulthood The establishing shot is a funky font of Kidulthood- type of font that teenagers will like. Then there is a jump cut to a football and muddy shoes kicking the ball this connotes that this is a school and people like football. The editing is very clever as we can see the main characters in one wide shot and its almost like a picture shot which are moving. The we see a close of the protagonist and we can see him sweating and this means that he is doing important work and we learn that he is making a gun. We see two men who are giving out invitations and this sets the narrative because everything explodes at the party and leads on 2 the second movie. The theory that we could apply to Kidulthood is the Perkins theory. Most of the stereotypes in this movie are true. The big Black six former has everyone on 'lock' and everyone is scared of him. The blonde year 11 is a prostitute and does drugs. 16 year old black female is pregnant. The big white female- everyone is scared off him, even Noel Clarke is afraid of this man. The Black males in that movie do drugs.There are different sounds used through out the opening sequence. There is dialogue that characters are communicating which is diegetic sounds as coming from characters. There is also diegetic sound coming from cars on the motorway and also there diegetic sound coming from people walking on gravel. There is also non-diegetic sound of music which gets fast and fast connoting that something existing is about to happen. The fast paced musics infers that young adults live there life at a fast and reckless pace.