Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Ill Manors: TEDx Lecture

Embed the video on your blog and write up the answers we discussed in class:
  1. What are Plan B's beliefs/politics? What are his values/ideologies? Explain.
  2. Who is the target audience of the TEDx lecture? Demographics? Psychographics? How do you know? How does this compare to the audience for his music/films?
  3. What does Plan B say about the media? Explain how this can be linked to Cohen's media theory of moral panics? Read this summary of moral panics and the definition from Wikipedia and use them in your answer.
1. Ben Drew Values the teenagers who aren't brought up properly- the children who didn't have a safe childhood. This is because he was in the same positions as those youngsters when he was an teenager.  He believes that the U.K media will never praise the youngsters who are surrounded by gangsters and not brought up properly, he believes is not fair. He told a story to a newspaper about recording ill manors and he said something about the East London youths and the newspaper didn't include all the praise he had for them they were only looking for the bad things, as it will be an opportunity to talk about them as they don't like these types of people, headlines about what they've done wrong. Plan B ideology is that everyone should be treated in the same way- it doesn't matter about your background, ethnicity or where your brought up you should be treated the same. He believes that they should be equality between everyone as where all the same people. 

2.  The target audience for this Ted talk is adults and people who are studying at universities. The age from 21- 50. As we saw in the audience they were many older people reason being: They are interested about Ben drew's life as they want to find out how he got to the top.  The demographics for this Ted talks are A B C1, reason being that these types of people will understand what he's talking about and are educated enough to understand him and understand what he's beliefs are and when he believes in these things. These are the types of people who have a negative view on him as the media presents him in the worst possible way and these people want to hear what plan b says about his critics and want to know what the type of person he is. The lecture is targeting reformers as they believe in freedom, personal growth and social awareness.

3. Plan B talks about the gangs in London.Plan b’s views on the media are that of bias and unfair. He was approached by a newspaper so he could tell them about a story about the gang, however the newspaper twisted this story, as the newspaper don't want to represent gangsters in a positive way.  This can be linked back to Cohen's theory of moral panic as this representation has created an anxiety in the public. 

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