Monday, 31 March 2014

A field in England

Now answer the following questions on your blog:
1. How was A Field In England’s release different to typical film releases                         This movie is different to other movies because everything was released at one time which was on the 5th July. On this day it came out on most platforms: cinema, DVD, TV and online. On the other hand other movies have gaps for when they release the movie    2. What are the advantages to releasing the film across all platforms on the same day?
The advantages of releasing of releasing the film across all platforms on the first day is that everybody will be able to watch it. This is because it will be on a free view on film 4 and you will be able to buy the DVD. This would lead to larger target audience as more people will be able to the see the movie as its free.  
3. What are the disadvantages to this approach?
The disadvantages of this approach is that everything would be out on the same day and on other days people won't really care about this movie as everything would come out on one day and it will be forgotten about. Also it's on free view and people who are interested will probably watch it for free rather than paying for it at the cinemas. 
4. What target audience would A Field In England be aimed at? Demographics and Psychographics
I think that this movie is aimed at white middle class who usually go out to theatres on Friday night with friends or with a partner. The movie is also aimed at older people who are interested it these times. I think the social class is above C2 anybody above C2 this is because these people have well paid jobs and could afford to go out and watch this movie. 
5. Do you think all films in future will be released across all platforms simultaneously in future?
I think big budget movies will never come out on all platforms on one day. This is because on this day know body would pay for the movie because it will be on free view and people would opt for the free view as its free. These movie are about making money and if everything comes out on one day no money will be made. Also the movie comes out 6 months later and this is where more money will be made as people would want the TV

My Favourite thing about this article is the pink slip under the first page. This is because everything is summed up in one paragraph which is very clever.  In this article they talk about the production process and the movie budgeting this isn't very appealing but it is very important. this article has different images used and there about 3 images used. One image is people watching the movie in the theatre. The other images is from the movie itself. This article also contains reviews from different people and they are talking about the movie and how they fell about the movie. The reviews are coming from different people from different websites. Also this magazine has facts and statistics about distribution. 

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Ill Manors Facebook page

  1. How many 'likes' has the Ill Manors film page had?
  2. What is the top of the page promoting?
  3. Choose five of the posts on the page's wall, screengrab them and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manor's target audience.
  4. Find three examples of synergy with other platforms (links to broadcast clips or newspaper/magazine articles). Explain how each one promotes the film.
  5. Find three examples on the Facebook wall of opportunities for user generated content or audience interaction (e.g. a question that invites people to comment or a competition to enter).
  6. Find three examples of the Facebook page cross-promoting the soundtrack or DVD release.
  7. Find the Twitter graffiti campaign link on the Facebook wall and screengrab it.
  8. How did the institution use the Facebook page to promote the film's release in May/June 2012?
1. The ill manors page has 30,156 likes. 
2. The cover photo promotes the DVD and it has poster of ill manors which says out now. 
3.The first post that I have chosen from the Facebook page is the poster of the ILL Manors music video this is a good promotion of the film because it appeals to the fans of the music artist and then lets them know of his up coming film production this links to the target audience because his fan base is his solid followers and promotion for the film. The second post was the trailer and this promotes the movie as its about the movie and this is where the audience could see the trailer and this could determine if they watch it. The last post i chose was the one which promotes the movie and its a poster where it says you could buy the movie know which promotes the DVD section and it has a link where you could buy the movie. 
5.There is a link to the Ill Manors music video, which is an example of synergy as it promotes the music video further, and it promotes Plan B’s music. This helps promote the film as people who like his music would then go on to liking his film and would end up watching it.
6. On this facebook page there are many ways there are cross promoting as they promote the DVD and the soundtrack album. 
8. They were producing a variety of posts when the movie was about to come out. Also kept everyone up to date with any updates. 

social network youtube

YouTube - planbuk channel
  1. How was the planbuk YouTube channel used to promote the Ill Manors film?
  2. Find examples of synergy or cross-promotion between the planbuk YouTube channel and other media texts you have studied as part of the case study. Explain how they both promote the film and appeal to the Ill Manors target audience.
  3. What links to other social networking sites can you find on the planbuk channel homepage?

1. The Plan B youtube channels is where the audience could access the trailer and the soundtracks from the movie. 

2. The plan b youtube channel promotes the music side of the movie as it provides you with links where you could buy the music from. So it promotes the music side of ill manors by providing links to buy the music. Secondly we could see the trailer in the trailer video it has links where you could buy the movie which is promoting the hard copy for the movie as it provides links where you could  buy the movie.

3. In the top right of the homepage there are links to the other social networking sites. This creates synergy as it allows audience members to easily jump between sites.

ll Manors on Instagram

  1. How has Ill Manors used the Instagram platform to promote Ill Manors?
  2. Choose three particular images/posts and explain why they are effective in promoting the film.
  3. What hashtags are used on Instagram to promote the film? Is there consistency in branding/hashtags across social media? Why is this important?
  4. Find three images on Instagram tagged with Ill Manors that relate to other texts you have studied across the three platforms (such as the music video, TEDx lecture or a print interview). Explain the synergy between the texts.
1.  On the Instagram page there are different types of banners that promote the movie which tell you the release date and the banners that were on the street was on the ill manors Instagram page. 

2.  The first image the I picked promote the music side the way he promoted the album was he put a image up telling fans that the album is for sale and you could know go buy it. The second image was the image where he tells fans that he is having a Q and A and anyone could attend and this is promoting the film as he is telling audience when it is out. Lastly he puts up a image the day the movie came out. This promoted the film side as its a film poster. 

3. The hashtag used across all the e media section was ill manors this is important because they want people to talk about the movie on social media and the hashtag makes something stand out as the hashtag separates the tweets. 

4. On his Instagram page there is a image that comes directly from one of his music video. The second image was the image of him on the Q magazine and this is where he talks about politics and in the tedx lecture plan b was talking about politics. 

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

ill manors official website.

  1. How does the Ill Manors official website promote the film?
  2. What examples can you find of the Ill Manors brand on the website homepage?
  3. What links does the website offer?
  4. What examples of synergy can you find between the website homepage and the print/broadcast platforms?
  5. List the links to social media on the website homepage. Why are these important?

1. The film is promoted in different ways on this website. The website is all about the movie and has information about the movie e.g. The synopsis. The synopsis is the storyline which is promoting the movie because it tells the audience the storyline. The buy now link is promoting the movie as it's a link to Amazon to purchase the movie.  Behind the Characters we could see the film poster which is cross promoting. The house that we see on this website is the type of house used in the film which is promoting the raw setting. 

2.  We could see the ill manors title which is the same on every platform. We could see the main characters of the movie- when we first saw the website we could identify them.  Also the font style used is the same on every platform. The location is used in the print platform. The same misty grey colour is used all the time. 

3. The website has links to buying the DVD from either Play or Amazon. Many links are used on this website as that helps promote the movie. There is a link to the trailer where you could view it from you tube.  There is a link to the synopsis which is the storyline for the movie.  With all these links it directs you do a different  scene which has different information about the movie.  Also there is a link to the ill manors film poster. The other links on the page are:
Ben Drew- Speaking about the movie. 
Album- Links from where the album could be purchased. 
reactions- Print poster which are reactions from twitter. 
stills- Images of the actors. 
Videos- Videos of interviews and behind the scenes. 

4. The website is promoting a different platform. The platform that this website is promoting is the DVD platform. There are links where you could buy the ill manors DVD. On the main page there is a section which says 'on DVD now'. Also in graffiti there is link to buying the movie.  We also have link to buying the album. It gives you different option to buy it from. You could buy the album on hard copy or digital download. 

5. This website has Links to Facebook and Twitter. The Facebook link will direct you to the official ill manors page. The twitter link will direct you to the ill manors Hashtag feed where all the ill manors tweets are sorted and sectioned. 

Monday, 3 March 2014

Exam Feedback

WWW: We are seeing improvement and you have used media theories and language. However, plenty still to work on

EBI: Written English is still an issue and grammar holds you back

Institution and representation are the two weaker questions and you confuse where reference should go. why are you talking about stereotypes in the audience question not representation.

Re-write Q1 and Q3

1) Media Institution

The clever thing that was done was the use of acting. It was very positive because we didn't see the family hurt and the way the family reacted when he was about to crash. It was very positive as they didn't give up as they went to help the dad. With the crash the no blood was used which is positive as we didn't see anyone hurt- which gets the message across being put your seatbelt on then you wont get hurt. This advert has a child which could reach to a wider range of people. Families with children and children themselves.  The idea is very unique and I haven't seen it before. The technique being a invincible car and the car has such a massive effect.

This was a very short advert which means you could share this advert online and people will watch it as the advert isn't very long. Sharing on twitter is very easy as you share the link and a hashtag could get more viewers as it goes on the feed.  The main thing is that you could share it for free and keep sharing it many times.

The one thing that the institution have done well is that message is being told very easily. Message being: if you have a seatbelt on you wont get hurt.  If the narrative is short then the audience will understand the message and remember the message which will lead to less road side accidents. Lastly the appeal the advert has as no dialogue is being used and people around the world will understand what is happening with the facial expressions.

3) Media representation

This family are presented as a very strong family as the two females are saving the father with their own hands. The reason why the family are strong is because there are saving the dad. Also he does be saved as he doesn't get injured and is safe.  The family look very caring and care about each other and could be a dominant reading for white families who are caring. Also this a positive stereotype.

The family look like mainstreamers as they are a family of 3- with a small daughter. This family look like watching the main TV shows every night e,g. talk shows and soap operas on Friday and saturday nights as a family.  We don't know the social class. The likelihood is that this family isn't D or E  as this family have a house that they live in. The house does look quite nice meaning that the parents have well paid jobs.

Find at least three different print examples (adverts, DVD packaging etc.) for Ill Manors. Post the images up on your blog and answer the following questions for each text:

  1. What are the key conventions that help you identify the print text?
  2. What design features help identify the Ill Manors brand?
  3. What examples of synergy can you find with the broadcast platform or other print examples
1. The tittle of the movie is in the middle so we could identify this is a poster as posters have tittles in the middle of the page. We could see the main character on the front.  On the bottom of the page we could see the production companies. Lastly all the reviews on the left and on the right. We cannot see all the reviews, but we could see the best rated reviews. 

2.  The font style of the tittle as its the same on every platform.  The Estates behind Riz Ahmed as we see the same estates on the DVD cover. Lastly Plan B is always positioned on top of the Ill manors text. 

3.  We could see Ben Drew's rap name which is Plan B which could promote his music as he is using his Rap name. 

1.   Images of all the main actors from the movie. Bold text for the best rated review.  Name of the actors at the top of the page. 

2.  The tittle helps identify the brand. 

3.  The typography is used all over the media platforms. Most of these actors on the front have been in the music video. 

1.   This looks like a poster which will be on a billboard as its quite long and high number of reviews. I could identity this by The strip on the bottom left which informs you when its out on DVD. The high amounts of reviews everywhere. The production companies. Lastly the main actor is on the poster. 

2. The typography helps identify the brand- The tittle and font style. 

3.  This promotes when the it will be out on DVD which is promoting the DVD side of this movie.