Tuesday, 11 March 2014

ill manors official website.

  1. How does the Ill Manors official website promote the film?
  2. What examples can you find of the Ill Manors brand on the website homepage?
  3. What links does the website offer?
  4. What examples of synergy can you find between the website homepage and the print/broadcast platforms?
  5. List the links to social media on the website homepage. Why are these important?

1. The film is promoted in different ways on this website. The website is all about the movie and has information about the movie e.g. The synopsis. The synopsis is the storyline which is promoting the movie because it tells the audience the storyline. The buy now link is promoting the movie as it's a link to Amazon to purchase the movie.  Behind the Characters we could see the film poster which is cross promoting. The house that we see on this website is the type of house used in the film which is promoting the raw setting. 

2.  We could see the ill manors title which is the same on every platform. We could see the main characters of the movie- when we first saw the website we could identify them.  Also the font style used is the same on every platform. The location is used in the print platform. The same misty grey colour is used all the time. 

3. The website has links to buying the DVD from either Play or Amazon. Many links are used on this website as that helps promote the movie. There is a link to the trailer where you could view it from you tube.  There is a link to the synopsis which is the storyline for the movie.  With all these links it directs you do a different  scene which has different information about the movie.  Also there is a link to the ill manors film poster. The other links on the page are:
Ben Drew- Speaking about the movie. 
Album- Links from where the album could be purchased. 
reactions- Print poster which are reactions from twitter. 
stills- Images of the actors. 
Videos- Videos of interviews and behind the scenes. 

4. The website is promoting a different platform. The platform that this website is promoting is the DVD platform. There are links where you could buy the ill manors DVD. On the main page there is a section which says 'on DVD now'. Also in graffiti there is link to buying the movie.  We also have link to buying the album. It gives you different option to buy it from. You could buy the album on hard copy or digital download. 

5. This website has Links to Facebook and Twitter. The Facebook link will direct you to the official ill manors page. The twitter link will direct you to the ill manors Hashtag feed where all the ill manors tweets are sorted and sectioned. 

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