Monday 14 October 2013

Short film extract analysis-21 Jump Street

In this scene their is a use of high key lighting-this is because this is a funny scene and the high key lighting shows the 2 main characters facial expression. Also their is use of low-key lighting this is when their buying the drug. Low-key lighting was used because when selling drugs you sell in a low-key place with low amount of lights. The low-key lighting when their getting the drugs creates an enigma code because the audience want to know why is this drug sold in cautious manor and why are these police officers going to take this drug when their job is to tackle drug. The reason why high-key lighting is used mostly in this scene is because its a school and school is public place and school takes place in the day. In this extract their is a use of funny sounds this is because the audience are in the point of view of the 2 police officers and with this weird type of music us the audience straight away know that these 2 men are on drugs and are not feeling right. In the 1.50 minute of this scene we know that from this point these 2 men are effected by the drug as some random noises and some random shots of a water melon exploding so from this point we knew that the 2 men are on drugs. The type of sound used in this scene is diegetic as the its dialogue throughout the scene. Their is high key lighting throughout this scene as throughout the scene we clearly need to see their facial expressions as that's is what this scene is about them taking a drug and the director wants us to see the reactions and how their act. Lastly in this see their is a use of non-diegetic sound as when their are on the drug we hear different  types of sounds that we don't associate with this scene-maybe this is a technique used by the director to show that these men are on drugs.

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